Pixlr Online Photo Editor
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Itu adalah salah satu link yang saya sertakan dalam barisan page menu di blog ini. Yang mana tujuannya adalah mengarahkan anda pada sebuah halaman dan anda akan menemukan pixlr image editor online disana.
Bila seluruh elemen di halaman tersebut sudah berhasil di load dengan baik maka anda akan menemui antarmuka seperti ini:
Tidak termasuk nomornya. nomor itu hanya akan saya jadikan variabel untuk menjelaskan secara singkat tentang ikon-ikon yang ada pada halaman start-up tersebut.
--- Start-Up ---
- Create a new image : anda dapat memilih ikon/tulisan ini untuk membuat sebuah lembar kerja kosong. Kreasikan ide-ide, imajinasi, dan rancangan grafik anda di sini.
- Open image from computer : Bila anda ingin meng-edit gambar yang anda miliki di dalam harddisk komputer. bila anda memilih ikon/tulisan ini, anda akan diarahkan pada sebuah jendela baru, anda diharuskan memilih gambar/foto yang akan anda edit.
- Open image from URL : Bila anda menemukan sebuah gambar yang menarik dari internet, anda dapat meng-editnya disini. Caranya anda harus mendapatkan URLnya terlebih dahulu dengan cara melakukan klik kanan pada gambar tersebut dan pilih "Copy image link" atau sejenisnya. Saat anda kembali pada pixlr image editor ini, anda harus menempel (paste) link gambar yang anda copy tadi.
- Open image from library : Bila anda ingin meng-edit foto-foto yang anda simpan pada media penyimpanan cloud seperti Pixlr,Photobucket, atau album facebook. Anda akan diarahkan untuk mencari foto tersebut.
- Use pixlr on your mobile phone/tablet : Akan mengarahkan anda pada sebuah halaman yang memuat link untuk mendownload aplikasi pixlr di Smartphone/tablet.
--- Kualitas ---
Bicara masalah kualitas, jangan dulu membandingkannya dengan adobe Photoshop, karena menurut saya adobe Photoshop masih menempati posisi pertama dalam urusan image editor/manipulation. Namun anda akan menemui sensasi yang cukup memuaskan dari pemakaiannya. Untuk antarmuka, pixlr editor ini kurang-lebih menyerupai GIMP.
--- Ukuran Kanvas ---
Ukuran kanvas yang disediakan pixlr image editor juga tak kalah baik dari image editor lainnya. bisa anda lihat gambar di bawah ini, ini adalah screenshot dari sub-menu "Create a new image"
--- FullScreen ---
Untuk anda yang kurang menyukai ruang kerja sempit, anda juga dapat menemukan fitur fullscreen pada pixlr image editor ini. anda dapat melakukannya dengan meng-klik menu view >> Fullscreen. Lihat gambar di bawah ini :
Anda akan bekerja pada halaman penuh seperti gambar di bawah ini:
Anda dapat menemukannya di SINI
Judul: Pixlr Online Photo Editor
Ditulis oleh Kucing Photoshop
Rating Blog 4 dari 5
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Jika ingin mengutip, baik itu sebagian atau keseluruhan dari isi artikel ini harap menyertakan link dofollow ke https://kotoranhewantetangga.blogspot.com/2013/11/pixlr-online-photo-editor.html. Terima kasih karena sudah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca artikel ini.Ditulis oleh Kucing Photoshop
Rating Blog 4 dari 5
9 komentar, Beri komentar anda !:
Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced photo editing.
Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced photo editing.
Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced photo editing.
Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced photo editing.
Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced photo editing.
SumoPaint is another free online and desktop photo editor with basic and advanced features. You can upload a photo from your computer or from a URL.
Basic overall photo editing like brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, color balance, and levels can be achieved from the menu bar on top of the editor.
The left pane has the drawing tools which include several shapes. One, in particular, is called the Symmetry tool, which “mirrors” a shape’s stroke, creating a symmetric pattern.
Besides tweaking images, I find Sumopaint to be useful in creating simple logos using the text and brush tools.
Other than the ads that appear on both sides of the web editor and intermittently crash Chrome (the tool uses Flash to run the web version), this photo editor gets the job done easily and is more than suitable for users who are not photo editing experts.
SumoPaint is another free online and desktop photo editor with basic and advanced features. You can upload a photo from your computer or from a URL.
Basic overall photo editing like brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, color balance, and levels can be achieved from the menu bar on top of the editor.
The left pane has the drawing tools which include several shapes. One, in particular, is called the Symmetry tool, which “mirrors” a shape’s stroke, creating a symmetric pattern.
Besides tweaking images, I find Sumopaint to be useful in creating simple logos using the text and brush tools.
Other than the ads that appear on both sides of the web editor and intermittently crash Chrome (the tool uses Flash to run the web version), this photo editor gets the job done easily and is more than suitable for users who are not photo editing experts.
Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors, a screen grabber browser extension, and a photo sharing service. The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps range from simple to advanced photo editing.
Aviary is another product by Adobe.com and they offer a free online photo editor that you can use to edit and upload your photos right on their site. It is built as a mobile app so you can download the app and use it with your photos that you take on mobile devices, as well.
It boasts plenty of filters and embellishments that you can add to your toolbox to create the best photos possible for your blogs or websites.
Adobe offers Aviary to seamless integrate with their other photo editing programs such as PhotoShop and others so you can sign in with your Adobe ID to do more with your photos.
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